Guilt and Shame in Addiction Recovery

Guilt is the feeling you have when you’ve done something terrible or said you would do something and then didn’t. The feeling that comes after these actions is what can be classified as guilt. Guilt is that feeling of responsibility or remorse you have after you do something wrong. People may need to seek treatment to abolish the various mental disorders caused by a person’s shame. Therefore, the desired solution is a team of medical professionals that could accurately diagnose you and prescribe the right therapeutic solution. Depending on the intensity of the person’s disorders, treatment could be nothing more than a few group therapy sessions. Shame and guilt are some of the most powerful emotions in a soul.

guilt and shame in recovery

These toxic people are intent on imposing guilt on you and won’t let go. Avoid these people and connect with those who are understanding and compassionate, and who want to help you move forward. Those who want to help their loved ones in recovery need to be aware that they are most likely beating themselves up for their actions brought about by their addiction. They are already struggling with letting go of guilt and shame. The last thing they need is for you to continue to blame them as it will only make their recovery more difficult.

Dealing with Guilt and Shame the Right Way

Understanding the roles they play can help you learn to properly cope with them and recover from addiction. Individual Counseling – Counseling helps you realize your feelings of guilt and shame from your addiction are counterproductive to your recovery. You can start working through those feelings and learning why you should not blame yourself for your actions during your addiction. Pacfic Sands offers several addiction therapy options in Orange County, CA to help you overcome your guilt and shame in recovery. When you abuse alcohol and drugs, you often do things you would not have done if you were sober.

guilt and shame in recovery

It’s easy to get caught up in these feelings, and rather than making positive changes, a person may turn to drastic measures for coping with guilt and shame. In looking to break the cycle of shame and guilt, a person needs to focus on their goals in recovery. It means looking at everything together and noticing how it all plays a role in the shame and guilt cycle a person gets into. Here are some small steps towards countering the cycle of shame in recovery to find hope and healing. After beginning the journey to recovery, it may be common to feel guilty and ashamed of things done while addicted. Sitting in those feelings for too long is a good way to set a person up for relapse. Learn more about the shame cycle in recovery and how to learn ways to let go and heal.

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Here are 5 reasons to let go of shame for the good of your addiction recovery. People suffering from mental disorders, such as depression, schizophrenia or trauma, will consume drugs or alcohol to numb the pain of the disorder. After a while however, the user discovers that drug addiction makes the mental disorder much worse.

While guilt and shame are very similar emotions, there are many differences between the two, and recognizing them is important. Guilt is when you feel bad about something that you’ve done, or committed to doing and then didn’t. For example, maybe you feel guilty about saying unkind things to someone while you were intoxicated, or making a promise to do something and then not following through. On the other hand, shame goes a bit deeper than guilt. Shame is when you begin to internalize your feelings of guilt and blame yourself for the things you have done. Unfortunately, you can make yourself believe you are bad, worthless, and useless because of the things you did as a result of your addiction.

Positive aspects

These words are meant to be scornful and show contempt. They’re throwbacks to a time when the understanding of substance use was very limited compared to today. A lot of people thought that addiction was a failure of morals and should be a cause for shame. First of all, what is the difference between guilt and shame? We may use these words interchangeably in a sentence, when in fact, these two words have significant differences and should be used to describe distinct situations.

And there’s a lot of nervous fibers centralized in the abdomen. Neuroscientists call this the gut brain, not meant to be disrespectful, it’s just what they call it. And the gut brain is activated around feelings of safety. So if they feel unsafe of my stomach will get activated. And people will oftentimes talk about this around shame.

Ways to Overcome the Guilt and Shame of Addiction

Sometimes they’ll talk about constriction in the throat, I can’t talk I just, it really is the body’s response to shame. But there’s a couple of other responses are interesting. I’ve been in psychology long enough that I started studying neuroscience before they had brain scans.

What trauma causes shame?

The Link Between Shame and Trauma. Research has found that many people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) struggle with shame. Certain types of trauma have been associated with greater feelings of shame, including sexual violence, childhood abuse or neglect, and intimate partner violence.

Despite all efforts to improve habits, behaviors, and overall quality of life, guilt and shame may continue to haunt and creep into people’s lives. Recognizing how these feelings can impact recovery can mitigate doubt and allows people to focus on strengthening guilt and shame in recovery their recovery and resilience. Some people have a skeleton in their closet; a secret they aren’t proud of that they keep from others. These secrets could be prior substance or alcohol use, or mental health struggles, and the shame often haunts them.

How to Help Someone Else Overcome Shame

If I if I have a shame response, if I go down the rabbit hole of I can’t believe I did that again. What kind of loser does that he’s not going to like me to go down that litany of things like that. The chances are, I’m going to look to you like a possum, which in human language, I’m going to look indifferent. I won’t look alarmed or concerned, I’ll look flat, like I don’t care. If shame is the most stressful human emotion and shame leads me to freeze that how does that show up? Most of us aren’t aware of it, because it’s like I said, is the unthought No, but there are signs of it. What is the fight, one is to scramble, run, flee that flight, fight or flight, but there’s a third emotion or third response, and that’s a freeze response.

  • If you are hopeless, what reason do you have to pursue addiction recovery?
  • Guilt is connected to behaviors, and behaviors can be changed.
  • “Shame is highly, highly correlated with addiction, depression, violence, aggression, bullying, suicide and eating disorders,” Brown said in her TED Talk.
  • We also understand it can be difficult to let go of guilt and shame in recovery.